The Health Specialist Centre (HSC) has added another consulting room making four consulting rooms available at any one time for part time clinicians to work any hours they desire. Just walk in with your Annual Practicing Certificate and start working.
The HSC provides clean consulting rooms and all equipment you need. We provide reception, invoicing and booking duties, chaperone, nursing assistance, point of care laboratory testing, X-ray and ultrasound facilities and soon. We work closely with PMEC Healthcare for the provision of Over The Counter medications and medical equipment.
The HSC opens 8am to 9pm Monday to Saturdays and then from 4pm Sundays. So if you are a specialist in any health field and want to offer your services to our community through the charitable/private sector, then call Micheal on 7755775 or 28303 or email
We would like to welcome you into out team with a motto: Clinical Excellence, Serving Samoa.